Hebrews 11: The Common Thread
When you read through this very impressive array of names in Hebrews 11 you quickly discover a multitude of differences. Obviously the names are different. There is difference of gender (both male and female), different backgrounds, different circumstances, different experiences, different instructions, directions, or commands. In this same chapter we find both the really messed up and the saintly- as well as everything in between.
Some experienced great victories and deliverances while others endured cruel
mockings, sufferings and were martyred for their faith.
When I am asked- ‘Who in this list do you most identify with?’- my answer
is the same: “It depends on the day.” I hope you do not overlook the value
of that statement. One of the great truths of the chapter is that someone has
already lived through the kind of day you are having- and the faith that
worked for them is equally sufficient for you in the midst of your day.
In the presence of all the differences the one very obvious reality they all
shared in common was faith. They are listed here by this New Testament
writer as illustrations (examples) of that very reality. When I come to the
end of Hebrews 11 the one thing I am absolutely sure of is that regardless of
how I may see the lives of those named their faith remains constant and it
can never be taken from them.
In closing out this unintended series on Hebrews 11, I want to consider the
other common thread that runs through this chapter. The first I have already
mentioned- the one thing these men and women had in common- the one
reality they all experienced and shared was faith. But the far more important
question is this: What is the common thread that runs through all true
Biblical faith?
Here then is the theme of today’s message- and perhaps you have guessed it
by now- ‘Hebrews 11- The Common Thread’
Let me do a daring thing. I am going to read this entire chapter. I prefer that
you just listen to me read it. As I do, I will try to emphasise the common
thread when we come upon it. Every time you think you hear it I want you
to speak these words: ‘There it is.’ At the end of the reading I will ask you
what it is.
In this chapter there are sixteen names recorded as well as a very enlarged
unnamed host of people referred to in verse 32 as “the prophets”, and in
verse 36 we read- “and others”.
The one thing we know about the sixteen people named and the much larger
host of people not named is that regardless of what their experience was- and
regardless of how different their experiences were- they all gained approval
before God by, in, and through their faith.
And that brings us to the question: ‘What was the common thread that ran
through the faith experience of each of these ?’
If the apostle Paul were asked this question- we know exactly how he would
answer it- for in fact he did answer it in his letter to the church of Rome.
Rom.10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
I know of no statement regarding faith that is as clean and uncluttered- as
crisp and clear as this one. How does faith come? Only by hearing. Mark
this down- you cannot believe what you have not heard. But just as
emphatically I can assure you that each of us right now believe whatever we
have truly heard- whatever we are hearing- be that negative or positive.
We are well familiar with the expression- ‘What you see is what you get.’ In
the context of Rom.10: 17 that looks more like this- ‘What you hear is what
you believe- and what you believe is what you get.’
Look at the last phrase of Rom.10:17… hearing by the word of Christ. The
basis of our faith- that is the basis of the assurance of what we hope for, the
basis of the conviction of the reality of what is not yet visible- is from start to
finish the word of Christ.
But- and this is where the whole thing turns- our relationship with the word
of Christ is expressed in the single word ‘hearing’. You cannot hear a word
unless it is spoken. A word cannot be spoken unless there is a speaker. And
the implication of this is intimate, immediate and personal relationship with
the speaker.
If you were to ask each one of those named in Hebrews 11 along with that
enlarged host not named why they did what they did- they would have one
common answer to that question. We did what we did because we heard
what we heard.
God does not only speak a word of direction but He empowers (enables) us
by His Spirit- He sovereignly provides all things necessary to obey and walk
that direction out in this time space world.
And therein lies the difference between mere religion and true spirituality.
Mere religion is the best effort of the soul in performing and maintaining the
established patterns of tradition. It is soul based and requires neither the
Spirit of God nor the spirit of man. True spirituality is the obedience made
possible only by the energy of the Holy Spirit within the spirit of man in
response to the word that has been heard within his or her spirit.
Noah, why did you build that silly looking boat? I heard God!
Abraham, why did you leave a city to find a city? I heard God!
Joseph, why did you endure what you endured? I heard God!
David, why did you take on the awful responsibility of kingship? I heard
Moses, why did you give up all the comforts of Egypt? I heard God!
Gideon, why did you risk all in battle? I heard God!
Joshua, after witnessing the sufferings of Moses, why did you “step up to
the plate”? I heard God!
Elizabeth, why would you subject yourself to pregnancy at your age? I
heard God!
Mary, why would you risk scandal and even death to mother the Christ? I
heard God!
Joseph, why would you risk scandal and reduced economy to marry this
scandalized woman? I heard God!
Jesus, why would You leave where You were to come to a place like this to
endure all that You endured? I heard the Father!
Kingston Christian Fellowship, why are you going to that field with all its
risks and costs and labours? ………see you in September.
Some experienced great victories and deliverances while others endured cruel
mockings, sufferings and were martyred for their faith.
When I am asked- ‘Who in this list do you most identify with?’- my answer
is the same: “It depends on the day.” I hope you do not overlook the value
of that statement. One of the great truths of the chapter is that someone has
already lived through the kind of day you are having- and the faith that
worked for them is equally sufficient for you in the midst of your day.
In the presence of all the differences the one very obvious reality they all
shared in common was faith. They are listed here by this New Testament
writer as illustrations (examples) of that very reality. When I come to the
end of Hebrews 11 the one thing I am absolutely sure of is that regardless of
how I may see the lives of those named their faith remains constant and it
can never be taken from them.
In closing out this unintended series on Hebrews 11, I want to consider the
other common thread that runs through this chapter. The first I have already
mentioned- the one thing these men and women had in common- the one
reality they all experienced and shared was faith. But the far more important
question is this: What is the common thread that runs through all true
Biblical faith?
Here then is the theme of today’s message- and perhaps you have guessed it
by now- ‘Hebrews 11- The Common Thread’
Let me do a daring thing. I am going to read this entire chapter. I prefer that
you just listen to me read it. As I do, I will try to emphasise the common
thread when we come upon it. Every time you think you hear it I want you
to speak these words: ‘There it is.’ At the end of the reading I will ask you
what it is.
In this chapter there are sixteen names recorded as well as a very enlarged
unnamed host of people referred to in verse 32 as “the prophets”, and in
verse 36 we read- “and others”.
The one thing we know about the sixteen people named and the much larger
host of people not named is that regardless of what their experience was- and
regardless of how different their experiences were- they all gained approval
before God by, in, and through their faith.
And that brings us to the question: ‘What was the common thread that ran
through the faith experience of each of these ?’
If the apostle Paul were asked this question- we know exactly how he would
answer it- for in fact he did answer it in his letter to the church of Rome.
Rom.10:17 So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.
I know of no statement regarding faith that is as clean and uncluttered- as
crisp and clear as this one. How does faith come? Only by hearing. Mark
this down- you cannot believe what you have not heard. But just as
emphatically I can assure you that each of us right now believe whatever we
have truly heard- whatever we are hearing- be that negative or positive.
We are well familiar with the expression- ‘What you see is what you get.’ In
the context of Rom.10: 17 that looks more like this- ‘What you hear is what
you believe- and what you believe is what you get.’
Look at the last phrase of Rom.10:17… hearing by the word of Christ. The
basis of our faith- that is the basis of the assurance of what we hope for, the
basis of the conviction of the reality of what is not yet visible- is from start to
finish the word of Christ.
But- and this is where the whole thing turns- our relationship with the word
of Christ is expressed in the single word ‘hearing’. You cannot hear a word
unless it is spoken. A word cannot be spoken unless there is a speaker. And
the implication of this is intimate, immediate and personal relationship with
the speaker.
If you were to ask each one of those named in Hebrews 11 along with that
enlarged host not named why they did what they did- they would have one
common answer to that question. We did what we did because we heard
what we heard.
God does not only speak a word of direction but He empowers (enables) us
by His Spirit- He sovereignly provides all things necessary to obey and walk
that direction out in this time space world.
And therein lies the difference between mere religion and true spirituality.
Mere religion is the best effort of the soul in performing and maintaining the
established patterns of tradition. It is soul based and requires neither the
Spirit of God nor the spirit of man. True spirituality is the obedience made
possible only by the energy of the Holy Spirit within the spirit of man in
response to the word that has been heard within his or her spirit.
Noah, why did you build that silly looking boat? I heard God!
Abraham, why did you leave a city to find a city? I heard God!
Joseph, why did you endure what you endured? I heard God!
David, why did you take on the awful responsibility of kingship? I heard
Moses, why did you give up all the comforts of Egypt? I heard God!
Gideon, why did you risk all in battle? I heard God!
Joshua, after witnessing the sufferings of Moses, why did you “step up to
the plate”? I heard God!
Elizabeth, why would you subject yourself to pregnancy at your age? I
heard God!
Mary, why would you risk scandal and even death to mother the Christ? I
heard God!
Joseph, why would you risk scandal and reduced economy to marry this
scandalized woman? I heard God!
Jesus, why would You leave where You were to come to a place like this to
endure all that You endured? I heard the Father!
Kingston Christian Fellowship, why are you going to that field with all its
risks and costs and labours? ………see you in September.